Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Yay! "The holidays are over and may your life return to normal". We should make greeting cards that say that. What would the cover of the card look like? Maybe a stack of plastic bins stuffed with decorations returned to the basement. Or a woman, sitting alone at the kitchen table sipping coffee with a big ole' grin on her face. That'd be me: guilty as charged. Sighing with relief to have the house all to myself again.
I've been waiting on people as wife/mother since I was 17 years old. I love my family, yes and I love it when they are happy. Happy and out of my hair.
Like that cartoon lady named Maxine. Her welcome mat says, "there's no place like home, go there."
Anyone who knows me well, knows my love for my family & friends runs ever so deep, I'm just not a social butterfly. Rather, an introvert and over sensitive person. This is my lot in life tho most other humans I've met are the opposite. Folks like me are considered odd.
Love that word.
I've also noticed that I'm in love with Christmas about two weeks before the 25th. Then by the 24th the honeymoon has worn off. I must be off whack somewhere.
Oh goodie, odd and off whack.
I did enjoy the day after Christmas. I could get my breath, hear my thoughts, cry a little and in the end counted my blessings and thanked God for my family and friends.
And pets!
Don't forget them! This is Nancy, she's been with us for ten years this Christmas. She is now enjoying all the cookies I made too many of. It's cold out, the pasture has been flooded and frozen a 1/2 dozen times already this winter.
I wish I could give her green meadows to lie down in, graze in and enjoy, lots and lots of acres for her and Betty (the sheep) to explore, be safe and eat all they want.
"I made you to lie down in green pastures" it says in the Bible.
I really get that.

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