Once in awhile, one needs to get one's priorities in order; it's simply foolish not to. Foolishness, silliness and hilarity mixed with drinking alcohol is not a smart way to go. When I look back on the times I acted like that, I'm embarrassed.
I'm ashamed.
I confess, I've wasted much of my life to foolishness. Why? What's wrong with having a little fun?
I love fun, but only the kind that evokes love, and makes me so happy for the other person I want to hug them.
I have found that simple pleasures truly are the best. I shy from things that shock my soul. Like t.v.
I really believe that most of the reality shows have been sneakingly damaging to many, many souls.
My daughter watches them sometimes. The other day, I caught a glimpse of one. It was a mother who had about ten little kids. She was getting a divorce. They showed her sitting on the couch explaining why divorce was the right thing to do.
"Oh, so simple. I see, ........that's the way you do it." Thoughts like that permeate people's minds when they are given an opportunity to be shown how to be evil, yet look acceptable, normal and even attractive....or worse, justified.
What about a reality show where you live day in and day out with a parish priest? Straight away, people would think it would be about exposing his secret sins. Might they
watch it if it were not?

What if it were a holy, good and loving priest? A parish priest is a busy guy. Always putting out fires and helping all sorts of people, he also brings us hope.
Evil tries to take hope from us because loss of hope pulls us away from God and we start depending on people to cheer us up, or encourage us. We become weak and even more scared.
There are tens of thousands of people right now praying for nine straight days a Novena of Hope.
You can read about that at mej.com
Help by praying for people to hope in God, not the news media, or the bottle or their anger's fury.
If you haven't prayed because you think there is no hope for you because of past sins, that God will not hear you, or if you are afraid of His Wrath (which is the beginning of wisdom), regardless, go to God.
Tell Him what I said when I thought I was too lost; "I am Your child, help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Who am I to be sitting at Mass this morning receiving Holy Communion?
Who am I? I'm nobody. Just an ordinary woman who believes, who has experienced God's love and refuses to let go.
Our Lady said if you knew how much She loved you, you would jump for joy.
I've experienced Her love, just a tiny bit, for a second, when my son died...........that second has got me through 22 years of deep grief, relentless fears and doubt.
Sometimes at Mass I think to myself, "oh my dear Lord, where would I be right now had God not allowed Our Lady to guide me?!!"
She is leading me on the path to Heaven.
My sins? They are paid for.
By who? Yes, you've heard it a million times from a million people, it's Jesus, God's Son. You've heard His Name.
I'm still in utter awe that me, a scrawny middle aged woman, a sinner and pity-party-type person with no education, really; I have nothing except my family, anyway, regardless of my failings and my miserable goof ups, I am a daughter of Jerusalem, an Israelite (belongs to God). I'm all the things this world hates.
I'm all the things that embarass people.
Yep, and I'm eternally grateful.
Last night, after the storm, I saw a rainbow at night. I've never seen that before. I had been praying and meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary. When I finished, I went to the window and saw this rainbow. I called to my husband to come and see and he said "go get your cam

So, thanks to him, I can share it with you. The other photos are taken at the same time, the firey sky is the west, the bluish is the north, and the rainbow was in the east.
Peace to all you who happen by.