This blog is about ordinary things that are sacred.
About discernment of what is truth.
It's about God, Jesus, Mary, and the Saints and my love for the Catholic Church.
Ponderings about Heaven, Angels and symbolism.
Family, friends, pets and community. The gift of art.
Searching for signs of hope and watching the power of the Holy Spirit work miracles.
Messages of Medjugorje.
Let's see, there was a wedding, a few holidays, lots of birthdays and days spent in much needed solitude. That's where I've been.
I'm sorely behind on my blog and am trying to put things back into working order.
With that said and with the topic of this winter's weather being left unsaid, it is time to take notes again.
Lent is soon approaching and it is a time of learning many things. Each Lent that I have entered into with my heart, I find myself at Easter with renewed peace. I'm looking forward to Lent, I need it so much!
I've also been using my snowstorm time indoors making things. I'm excited about my new creation, "Maxine". I love making dolls. They are created as you go along and it's amazing how you start to realize this certain personality developing. I taught myself how to work with clay and make these dolls and I'm so glad I did!
You know those little scraps of fabric that JoAnn Fabrics give out, they are located in a clear plastic pocket right next to the roll of fabric? I love fabric/fiber and I can't resist taking a few just to study the colors, etc. and try to make something from it.
In the evenings when my husband is watching the dreaded outdoor channel, I lose myself in whatever art project I've got. I like to be close by him in the evenings as he is gone all day.
But, oh!!!!! that outdoor channel is torture. I can lose myself in my craft, I think that is a priceless gift and very helpful to survival!
Here's the message of 1/25/2011 from Our Lady of Medjugorje:
"Dear Children, Also today I am with you and I am looking at you and blessing you, and I am not losing hope that this world will change for the good and that peace will reign in the hearts of men. Joy will begin to reign in the hearts of men. Joy will begin to reign in the world because you have opened yourselves to My call and to God's love. The Holy Spirit is changing a multitude of these who have said, "yes". Therefore, I desire to say to you; Thank you for having responded to my call"
When I read this my heart jumped for joy!!!!!!!! God bless you♥