Monday, October 21, 2013

True Peace and Inward Trust

When I least expect it, an unsettling feeling creeps up on me and stays.  Call it worry, fret or hormones; it robs me of my peace.  I also feel a little guilty for my lack of trust in God.  At times, my fear seems bigger than my trust. 
I get rattled and ponder the heaviness of life and how it can be so overwhelming.
Yet, there are directions.

Chapter 23, page 147 in the "Imitation of Christ":
To enter the abode of true peace and inward trust one must seek to do the will of another rather than his own.  Always choose to have fewer riches rather than more.  Always seek the lowest place and desire to be subject to all.  Always wish for and pray that the will of God be accomplished in you.

This really works!