This blog is about ordinary things that are sacred.
About discernment of what is truth.
It's about God, Jesus, Mary, and the Saints and my love for the Catholic Church.
Ponderings about Heaven, Angels and symbolism.
Family, friends, pets and community. The gift of art.
Searching for signs of hope and watching the power of the Holy Spirit work miracles.
Messages of Medjugorje.
Lacey Marie came to live with us this past September. We adopted her from a rescue mission named SaveAMomPetRescue. She easily captured our hearts and made her place in our lives and brought joy to our home. I am so grateful to Denise, the owner of Save A Mom, for all her work that she does to rescue pregnant dogs and their puppies who were neglected and discarded. It hurts when I think of what Lacey has experienced before she was rescued. I have a feeling she remembers that bad time of her life so I try to make each and every day happy and full of love for her. Thanks to St. Francis for helping us to find each other!