Wow, the skies these past few days have been SO pretty. I keep looking at the sky and remarking out loud to myself, "this is awesome". Then I also say to myself, "what? first time on this planet?"
Good grief!!!! I talk to myself too much. When grocery shopping I sneak Elle in the store via her dog carrier that looks like a big purse. I'll say things like, "whaddya think Elle? should we try this?"
or "Whaddya think, should we get this?"
To another shopper, I guess I look nuts, as no one is there, just me, asking questions out loud. No wonder I get weird looks. And that is when I stop talking to my purse and try, my best, to act "normal".
Maybe when I get older I won't care what people think and really, really be myself, everywhere. I don't think my enthusiasm or sense of humor is appropriate in public, not REALLY. So, being the English woman I am, I refrain.
That's where art comes in, and poetry, stuff that you can dig down into your mind's basement and bring up all sorts of cool stuff into the light. I feel like there is some mysterious block in my ability to connect to my creative self. Maybe it's from trying to be normal. Probably. Wouldn't you know, society has screwed up my self expression aptitudes!!! lololo!!!
One of these days, I'm going to LET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so look out. :)
My job, my 4 hour, one day a week, job is at a local gallery. It's a great place, the owner is very talented person, an artist, a fellow nut. We have
a small gallery with a warehouse full of stuff, stuffed into it. There is not room for a raisin, I swear.

The thing I admire the most about our gallery is that (we do framing, restorations, etc.) even if we are working on a piece of art that is worth $5, it gets the same treatment and respect as something worth a zillion. Each piece is sacred. I'm glad I have some of my art there. This pic shows 3 of my pieces, in the white frames, ya know, the ones on Etsy no on wants (boo hoo).

Just for grins, here's a pic of my price tags, which are almost as much work as the picture it refers to.

Okay, that's all for today. It's time to go back out and continue washing windows on this bright beautiful fall day.
Fall? I guess!!!!