Monday, September 10, 2007

Not much to say today

I had not realized how stressful the issue of our pond and fish being destroyed affected me. I'm still not my old self, haven't laughed much and lost my appetite. Nor has the situation been
settled. Good news is my neighbor has said he will help me. So there is some hope we can get this matter resolved, healed and move on.
I've been at our cabin in Marietta for a week or so and was able to finally relax and mellow out. I don't need much, just quiet, watercolor materials, lots of paper and my dog nearby.
Here's a pic of my "art" area I scoped out for myself at the cabin, and the view from my window.
I'm at a loss for words today, but it's been so long since I posted, and Karen was so sweet to inquire if all was alright, it prompted me to at least make an effort. Thanks Karen:)

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