Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Never letting go

Prodigal: one who has returned after an absence. As a prodigal daughter I am filled with awe and gratitude at open doors. Morning mass, all welcomed. Many drive by not even aware of what amazing love transpires behind these beautiful doors. Many, like I used to be, drive by knowing, but lost touch and keep themselves preoccupied so it doesn't hurt so much.
Still, after all this time, I am overwhelmed at the love that comes pouring into my soul at mass, or at Adoration, or at my own backyard shrine. I stop to think, how could it be? me?
Why do I know this love? I don't deserve it, but I reach for it just the same.
I am presently studying "The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood".
Trying my best to live in accordance with it's direction. There is a lot of staying home, being quiet and praying. Lots of praying.
Chapter 81 "My Sacred Heart Is Your Resting Place" Jesus says, "If you but make the effort, I will reach out My hand and grasp you, drawing you closely to Me where you will find your rest and the joy which surpasses earthly pleasures........Blissful and eternal love is yours for the asking, but first you must desire this above all else in your life and proceed in courage and faith in your ascent to Me............Stay with Me in love; never leave Me. Think of Me always and I will dwell within you perpetually....."
I'm so grateful! excited and full of hope!!
peace be with you♥

1 comment:

Annie Jeffries said...

And by following these directions, we provide a resting place for our Lord as well. I'm working hard now to not hold anger in my heart, especially where the Church critics are concerned. Pray for them, forgive them, avoid anger and create a resting place for the Lord.