There will always be hard times to go through, confusion, chaos, war, breakups, death. That is part of life. No big discovery on my part here, just thinking how important it is to keep your eye on the Prize. Make Heaven a significant part of your thinking when facing a problem, it helps keep things in balance.
I've been in the pits of despair, feeling so sad no one could reason with me. Only what I had
experienced as love, held me through it.

See this sunflower? It was planted by a bird in the midst of zillions of mosquitoes that prevented me from weeding the flower bed. Everytime I look at it I think about the strength of faith, arising from despair and weeds, planted by a common bird, becomes a creation of God.
That is what we are, children of God. If I ponder on this fact, I feel connected with Him and the rest of His children here and in Heaven, filling me with a humble strength that quiets my mind, slows down my steps and I can once again breathe.
Yes, I am a child of God as well as a common sinner walking this earth, making mistakes and praying for mercy. I'm not a religious zealot or feel holier than thou.
I just miss my loved ones who've died, I tell God that I don't understand things at all, but quietly wait, trusting Him. I get up each day and do my best for my family and for myself. I laugh a lot, too....joke around, chop wood and carry water.
We are all so much alike, it's only fear that keeps us apart.