Here we go again, I'm trying to update my profile!!! Posting a photo of my mug right here, is the first step, then from there I go to my edit profile page.
Worked at the gallery today and had lots of interesting customers. My favorite part of being a professional framer? is looking at people's art and hearing the stories about it. Lots of world travelers out there come back to the roost and bring a photo, or painting back to be framed. Saw an image of Jesus in a yoga position, that was a new one to me.
Another customer, a kind gentleman, popped in and said, "bet you never saw a car like the one I'm driving." Okay, I had to go and check. It WAS a very cool car! I had to take a pic of it. I rarely turn my head for any vehicle as most are SO reproduced and common. I love old cars and trucks, but this sports car, I have to admit, was attractive.
Awfully hot to drive around in a convertible though today, whew!:)