At the gallery, there are several interesting projects going on, at once, all the time. A fountain of works to be studied, repaired, framed, assembled, but mostly.....appreciated. The other day, a framed piece of art came in to have a new backing put on. An easy task of tearing away the old backing and attaching fresh wire and paper. Oftentimes, something just as interesting as the painting itself is revealed under the old backing. In this case, a note was long ago glued to the back of the stretcher bar which read: "To Daisy Turner from Mother Turner".
The painting had to be over 100 years old and I've not yet discovered who the artist is as it was unsigned, but I'm researching. The symbolism! Butterflies, peacock feathers, a goose and in the far background there is a dome shaped building peaking through the trees. It all tells a story. A way of communicating universal truths.

The painting of the gentleman praying is a work I've seen dozen of times. This particular one needed touched up. I mix paints to match the original as closely as possible, then gently touch up the damaged areas. It is like watching a living thing heal. I love it! I love restoring art, to give back it's dignity, it is such an honor.

At the gallery, as all galleries I hope do, we respect each and every single piece that comes in for our care. The monetary value does not dictacte the care given. All art is sacred. Everything that a human makes to express their emotions, good or bad, is sacred. The
glass works and pottery tell a story in their own unique way. Some of these say celebrate, beauty, hope or maybe just to remind us to smile.

God tries to communicate to us every moment of our lives. Sometimes through nature, art or even people we despise.
I guess it can never be over emphasized to search for God in everything. To search for Him, teaches us so much about love.
I relate to Mr. Churchill's unquenching thirst to study art. I have so many people I want to interview in Heaven! To learn from them. Yet, I know that can also to be done right here on this earth, and I get just as excited about that.
Speaking of miracles, I am a new great aunt again today. Ada Evaine has been born to our family.
A little beautiful girl, 6lbs. 7oz.
Way to go Zach & Carolyn!!!!!