This blog is about ordinary things that are sacred. About discernment of what is truth. It's about God, Jesus, Mary, and the Saints and my love for the Catholic Church. Ponderings about Heaven, Angels and symbolism. Family, friends, pets and community. The gift of art. Searching for signs of hope and watching the power of the Holy Spirit work miracles. Messages of Medjugorje.
This Mother of fair love will take away from your heart all scruple and all disorder of servile fear. She will open and enlarge it to run the way of her Son's commandments (Ps. 118:32) with the holy liberty of the children of God. She will introduce into it pure love, of which she has the treasure, so that you shall no longer be guided by fear, as hitherto, in your dealings with the God of charity, but by love alone. You will look on Him as your good Father, whom you will be incessantly trying to please and with whom you will converse confidently, as a child with its tender father. If, unfortunately, you offend Him, you will at once humble yourself before Him. You will ask His pardon with great lowliness, but at the same time you will stretch your hand out to Him with simplicity, and you will raise yourself up lovingly, without trouble or disquietude, and go on your way to Him without discouragement.
(taken from "True Devotion To Mary" by St. Louis DeMontfort) regarding the "Wonderful Effects" of devotion to Our Lady, and was entitled: Deliverance from Scruples, Cares and Fears.
One of my favorite messages of Fatima is that in the end, Her Immaculate Heart will Reign.
that's a relief!!!!