Monday, October 1, 2007

The Cry Room

It's been awhile. I've been gone in more ways than one. Out of town and outside working. Fall brings tons of outdoor work to get ready for winter. Blue skies,yellow leaves and crickets singing...a lovely combo in which to work.
Art? Not so much to report or show, BUT! it's always on my mind and certainly my desire, however, I've been caught up in helping others pursue their goals instead of my own. It's a tad out of balance and requires me to tap into my self-discipline abilities. (SDA). (I just made that up:)
I usually get melancholy during mass, yesterday was no difference. You see, when I discovered God was love, even though it was during the worse time in my life, it is a time I look back on with tenderness and gratitude. A time when I started my journey to become a Catholic. 20 years ago. It was God's way for me, to rope in my overwhelming gratitude, to help it make sense and to give me a beautiful way to follow His direction.
I was raised Baptist, and God bless them all, but it was the Catholic faith, for me, that represented the God I had met that day. And, the Blessed Mother? What a gift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even begin to describe how much she loves us all. I've had a touch of Her love in a powerful way that took away any doubt I ever had about life, God, Jesus, Bible, and Heaven. It's all true.
In our church there is a wonderful little room with big glass windows called the "Cry Room". I never had to go there, my daughter was 4 when we started going to mass and managed to keep fairly quiet. But, I love the symbolism.
In my mind, there is a cry room. It's where I send all the distracting noise banging around in my head. You know, the sort of thing that goes on the entire time you are reading and then don't have a clue what it was you just read.
Like maybe what you've read just now?
So, GO TO THE CRY ROOM, YOU ANNOYING NOISE!!! (what if the priest said that during mass?) yeow.
Anyway, one last thing, today is the Feast Day of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus who said, "after my death, I will let fall a shower of roses, I will spend my heaven doing good on earth."
Way back then, during this time of year, I learned about this saint. I had prayed and asked her if it was okay for us to be friends. (I wasn't officially Catholic yet.)
Later that day, when my daughter got off the school bus, she ran and grabbed a late blooming dandelion. With a big, loving smile she held up the dandelion to me and said, "this is for YOU mom!"
I still tear up when I think of that, because in my heart I KNEW it was St. Theresa saying "yes, we are friends".
So far, life seems utterly magical.
Love and flowers to you all.

1 comment:

Karen Smithey said...

I'm so glad to see you're back. I've been on a little hiatus for the last ten days as my college roomie was here visiting.

Love the story about St. Theresa. God speaks to us in so many ways. We just have to listen, I think...