This blog is about ordinary things that are sacred. About discernment of what is truth. It's about God, Jesus, Mary, and the Saints and my love for the Catholic Church. Ponderings about Heaven, Angels and symbolism. Family, friends, pets and community. The gift of art. Searching for signs of hope and watching the power of the Holy Spirit work miracles. Messages of Medjugorje.
Now I can take photos and hold Elle at the same time. Talent!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, this weekend when I go to my new grand neice's baby shower, and get made fun of for being a little psycho for not wanting to be away from Elle, I can at least be hands free!The gift I am giving to Ada (new neice) is a handmade sleeper from Jennifer at http://ceeweedesigns.etsy.com/ . This is all natural fabric and has little ribbons sewn in the seams for the baby to fiddle with. It's beautiful and I'm very proud to give this as a gift. The parents of Ada are naturalists, they'll love it.Okay, gotta go. Have a good weekend and be happy!