Thursday, October 2, 2008

Learning from our Elders

Besides doing art work and life, I'm reading, for the 2nd time, Walden & Other Writings of Henry David Thoreau. This guy was born 7/12/1817 and wrote this book in 1854. So, that gives you an idea how long people in our country have thought that our country is going to the dogs. I guess ever since it started! Henry took time out to live in the woods to reconnect with nature. He had time to think. It amazes me how what he commented on in 1854 is just about the same thing going on now in 2008.
"Sometimes we study to obtain more of things, and not study to be content with less?" He was referring to the things people stuff their house with. He said their homes are cluttered and defiled.
I like this: "I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion." I agree with good ole Henry on that one too.
Another book I'm reading for the first time is "Counting Coup" by Joseph Medicine Crow. Juliana from gave me this book out of the goodness of her heart. I admire and respect Native Americans. There is much to learn from them. Joseph is the last traditional Crow chief, he was the first member of his tribe to earn a Master's Degree and he is the Crow's official historian. He tells the story of his life, which in my opinion was HARD and I'm only in the first part of the book, which covers his childhood.
Can you imagine telling your child, "hey, go bathe in the icy river". That's what he had to do.
Also reading the Poem of the Man God, Volume II (given to me by Edie♥). There are five volumes. It's an amazing work by Maria Valtorta and is about the life of Christ. In my own personal experience I found Jesus to be loving but strict. I don't mean to sound so simple, but I don't know how else to explain it. Anyway, in this work he gets right to the point.
He tells it like it is, yet always provides a way out should the listener choose to follow.
I was once asked what the main reason was/is for the New Testament. The answer was FORGIVENESS.
I think about this a lot.

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